Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The 4th of July in Texas!!!

We all love the 4th of July, but it's extra fun when we get to go to the Tomato Festival in Avery! =) Colton was not so patiently awaiting the lawn mower races...
Yep that's right - I said lawn mower races - where else can you find such an exciting event! They actually hit speeds of 45 - 50 mph! Colton was in heaven and has already made plans for papaw to fix up an old lawn mower so he can race next year (don't think his mom knows about this plan just yet) Although the temps were in the upper 90's we all had a great time!

We were lucky to share Misty's first Tomato Festival/lawn mower race experience with her!

Then it was time for some fun on the rides!

It couldn't get dark soon enough - we were all ready to set off fireworks! Yippee!!

Kylie picked out some lady bugs and was so excited to watch them go!
What is the 4th without sparklers!
We even got papaw to have some sparkler fun! (he gets so excited sometimes - hehe)In the end we had a great 4th of July - and loved speding it together!
Oh yeah - this was Misty's first official year to actually set off fireworks - she did a great job!!! Yay Misty!!


Loyce said...

Lawn Mower races sound interesting! Glad everyone had a fun time, see you tomorrow! Yipee

Yoli said...

Fun fun fun!! :)

heidib said...

SO FUN! Wish I was there to join in the lawn mower races!