Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Misty's having fun!

Got an email from Misty today, she is having fun but very tired. She said they never stop! Can't wait for her to get home and hear about everything. They take the night train from Paris to Milan tonight.

Misty has gone on a tour to London, Paris, Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome with BYU-I, professors (3) and girls (20). They are touring fashion places of the world. They left on July 22 and will be back to Salt Lake on the 5th of August. I am sure she will have lots of pictures and adventures to tell about.


Yoli said...

Can't wait to hear about her adventure. Why is she in Europe??

Julie said...

Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about her.

KristiLee said...

Me too - actually tried to call her cell the other day! :)
Tell her I love her - wish she could make a pit stop by TX on her way home!

heidib said...

Thanks for the update mom! I can't wait to hear all about it from Misty and to see all the pictures. Welcome Home Misty! Love, Heidi