Wednesday, April 16, 2008

WASL Sucks!

Today is the WASL (Washington Assessment of Student Learning). The Math portion of this test is the most ridiculous test I have ever seen. The story problems are huge and totally irrelevant and are not similar in any way to the curriculum they are teaching them at school. You literally have to teach the students how to answer the math questions in a way that is going to get them full points on a questions. Throw in the fact that my students are all behind in their math skills anyway and the anxiety level is high during this week.

Here is an example of one of the questions from last years test. Good luck. Let me know if you think you get the right answer!

The new school has exactly 1,000 lockers and exactly 1,000 students. On the first day of school, the students meet outside the building and agree on the following plan: The first student will enter the school and open all the lockers. The second student will then enter the school and close every locker with an even number (2, 4, 6, 8,...). The third student will then reverse" every third locker (3, 6, 9, 12,...). That is, if the locker is closed, the student will open it; if the locker is open, he or she will close it. The fourth student will then reverse every fourth locker, and so on until all 1,000 students in turn have entered the building and reversed the proper lockers. Which lockers finally remain open? Explain your answer in detail.


Miss Bell said...

Ew! And I thought the Praxis was bad enough.

A Momma said...

Yikes, just reading the question gave me the SAT anxiety in the pit of my stomach.